Clearly this is what it looks like, too.
Dave and I were unpacking his stuff (so so so much stuff) into our apartment this weekend and I come across a pair of Rollerblades. I looked at them scornfully, and asked "Really? Rollerblades? When's the last time you used those 1994? Do you REALLY need these?" Now, I should preface this all by saying that our new apartment is on Lake Ontario. No, really...across the street from Lake Ontario. And there's this fantastic bike/run trail that goes forEVER (obviously step two of moving to Canada, after actually moving to Canada will be exploring this) and the amount of rollerbladers is akin to my high school days (mid 90s) when it was all the rage and my mom made me wear my wrist, knee, elbow, ankle, neck, shoulder, and back pads.
Here's my view, sadly devoid of rollerbladers.
One of my favorite games is to count the amount of rollerbladers, which are plentiful, especially because Canadians are super active (at least from what I can see) and let's face it probably because I'm going to be living where in that area.
If Rollerblades are so popular in Canada now...what were they doing 10 years ago? Because I definitely haven't seen an American rollerblading in a decade.
In search of answers I, logically, Googled "Why is rollerblading so popular in Canada?" and got this as a response. So while it doesn't quite answer the question, ok doesn't answer it at all, it does let me know that Canadians are all into a) fundraising b) Rollerblading. Tell me something I don't know.
Dave spent a few minutes attempting to coax me into putting on the aforementioned rollerblades, and insinuated that covering me in wrapping of some kind would probably be the best option to make sure I don't die. Methinks I shall leave the rollerblading to high school Emily and the Canucks.
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