Thursday, July 26, 2012

On jaywalking

Meanwhile, in Canada...

I think I saw a hooker today!!!! It's all rainy and gross out in the GTA (greater Toronto area? Grande Toronto area?), and I walked to Shoppers, which is like Canadian Duane Reade...or Rite Aid, only I swear it's $10 for a bottle of nail polish that costs $8 in NYC. Enough bitching. So I'm walking from my apt, and I see these two incredibly scantily clad girls getting into cabs. Scratch that I saw two girls' asses hanging out of their "dresses." And I mean the only people who dress like hookers at 11:30am are hookers. Sadly I couldn't get a photo of little minxes. I should add that they got into cabs with two totes gross dudes.

                                                       I saw hookers on this street!!!
Ok, to the point.

I'm a jaywalker by nature. NYC, LA, DC, name it I've jaywalked there. Robby and I have even sprinted across a highway in Mexico for the Colectivo. If there aren't any cars coming it makes total sense to me to mosey across the street! I once heard it described as "you know you're a NYer if you don't base when to cross on the light but on the lack of cars." So in integrating into Toronto I'm doing my normal NY thing of standing in the street, not on the sidewalk, waiting for a break in the traffic to haul ass across Lake Shore Blvd while the Canadians stand, politely, on the sidewalk waiting; not for the light to change, but for the WALK SYMBOL!!! Who are these people?! Over the past few days I've been staring in horror while people loiter on the sidewalk for what seems to be an eternity. Then I started to pay attention to the traffic signals.
We have a streetcar on our street.
                                                                     *ding ding*
The streetcar has it's own traffic signal!! ALSO cars get advanced left turn arrows, AND right turning on red is not only legal but happens left and right. Noticed as well, that there's a really long delay between all lights being red and the little walk guy coming on.
                                                             wait for it...wait for it...

Needless to say, it's kind of impossible to tell when you should be walking and when you may get creamed by the streetcar.
What I've learned is that if you want people to obey traffic laws: confuse the shit out of them.

Go Canada!

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