Monday, February 11, 2013

Canadian Snow

Meanwhile, in Canada...


I figured they would super have their shit together when it comes to snow removal. I mean...IT'S CANADA!  When we had our first snowfall a few months ago, December, I think...I was all "oh, sweet it will be all plowed, shoveled and I can continue on with my life." Thought it would look something like this:
                                                         Motherfucking snow removal.

Needless to say, you can imagine my dismay when walking around it felt like I was day-drunk going to spin class because the sidewalks aren't shoveled at all. I was all "No way, total fluke! I believe in you Toronto!!"


I am from the land of "instantaneous snow removal lest ye be sued when some moron falls on black ice that's totally not your fault but damnit you should have removed that anyway." I feel like NYC has almost always (maybe with the exception of Thundersnow) has been on the ball. Rarely do I remember the LIE being closed when I was a kid and we almost NEVER had a snow day *grumbles* So anyway, yes, NYC: it will be mid-blizzard and some poor Department of Sanitation worker is out there, orange hazard lights a-blazin' plowing even the most minor of streets in Queens. I get it if the city were to put priority on the major thoroughfares (wow I spelled that right on the first try!!), that would be cool. I even get it if some of my former, excessively elderly, neighbors didn't get to shoveling right away because the anaerobic activity know...kill them.

So, I figured, that Toronto would operate similarly.

                                                       Here's how it actually looks:

It's like one, sad little man doing it by hand for the WHOLE COUNTRY.
Three days post Nemo and the only reason the sidewalks have a sober walking feel is because it rained today. I went running on Saturday and had to (literally) jump over a highway divider because a sidewalk was completely un-shoveled and I couldn't even walk through the area without falling over...much less run.
I'm assured that they do, in fact, put emphasis on the major streets first. Now I live near Lake Shore Blvd, which IS a major roadway. I fell on it. Friday, walking along crossing the street...*BOOM* ass-plant. I suppose the second most used way to get into the downtown core isn't worth plowing, eh?


Come on, Spring!!